December 11, 2010

Current Yarns

Yarn Forward & Sew-On always has some spiffy deals up front, and when I'm lucky they're nice bright colours. Recently, they've had Paton's Quicky & Cozy in a variety of rainbows at half price.

It's Charles-Approved™ and, as advertised, fast to work with.
I picked up three different variegated balls, and one solid yellow (seen neglected in the background above). They knit up nice and I've got a tree I'm scheming on... it'll likely be this stuff, finger-knit, that make it!
Sale yarn, you make my day!

Are there others?

Aside from the Winterlude event that's in it's second year (c/o Spins & Needles), I've only ever seen one independent knit...

It went up about a year ago on Glendale and Percy, right across from a friend's house where I koozied up their front railing. The bright yellow has faded a touch, but it's survived a lot, including the current construction where they pulled it down a bit, but didn't remove it to make room for their markings.

December 5, 2010

Caught in the act...

I tend to go out at night, and usually alone. But people are always driving, biking, and walking by. I have had cyclist yell encouraging things at me... "yooour artwoRK MAKES Me smiiiiiiiile...." and random people just stop to chat. Police cars have slowed down, but I smile and they don't stop.

I only got heckled once. By a drunk guy who was living above Pizza Shark.

Worth it.

November 29, 2010

Private Property

I usually stick to public places... unless I know the person, and it's a personalized greeting!

Like on Bell Street last summer, giving knit high-fives to an apartment full of friends..

And around Yarmouth for family.

Sometimes with help from other friends and family!

November 25, 2010

November 24, 2010

It started with a bag of scraps

It's been 2 years of decorating street signs, railings, park benches & trees all over Canada.... time for something beyond a Facebook album!

Yarn is my preferred material for street art. It started innocently enough as a use for odds and ends, but soon I was stockpiling any available cheap yarn - Value Village, clearance colours, and anything bright - and plotting out the best places to put them.

About 150 pieces later and no end in sight...