The stash I picked up while in Nova Scotia for my brothers wedding is still seeing me through! A nice assortment of 50¢-a-piece... some of it brand new, some of it balled up with no labels. And perhaps my favourite, some that were knitted with for about 4 inches of what was undoubtedly intended to be a scarf but abandoned. (Never unraveled, just pitched needles and all into a goodwill bag.)

Glimmer Fluff 4-ply was full of sparkle and just begging to be in an itchy holiday sweater, but I had bigger better plans and was delighted to find out that it was self-striping when I got going! Part of it now decorated the mess of Bank Street in the Glebe, which is full of construction this summer.

The other current favourite is this no label, formerly knotted up rats nest of purple. It's got enough fluffy heft to it to work on bigger needles, and end up on larger targets.
Happy face needles are #10s that I picked up at Zellers. "Kids" needles (colourful and with faces on them) were significantly cheaper than boring adult ones.

A small test run in Dundonald Park lead to bigger and brighter pieces, currently up on Bank Street in Old Ottawa South, at the Gladstone intersection, outside James Street Pub, and in Connor's Gaelic Pub washroom. With enough left for at least one more bigger size tag!